Daily Meditation: Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Young people - prepare them to face life in the best way possible
We must prepare young people to face life in the best way possible. It is not enough to train them to be electricians, chemists, biologists, and so forth. If we do not explain what difficulties they will inevitably encounter later on in the outside world, and especially within themselves, if they are not told how to view these difficulties, and what attitude to have in order to resolve them, they will fall apart at the slightest setback. Take a very simple example. If someone does not know that the seasons change and that a cold winter will come, what will happen to them? Whereas if they have been forewarned, they will prepare the clothing, food and fuel they need to keep warm, and will calmly make it through the winter. Yet most young people throw themselves into life as if they had no idea that there will inevitably be ‘winters’.
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov